Open Knowledge Base
Web-based tool for searching, querying a large set of resources linked to challenges and emerging principles for data sharing. An Expert Committee will select most appropriate recommendations, reports and tools from most relevant projects to date. The base will serve as a reference on practices and solutions responding to challenges in
- legal and regulatory frameworks,
- governance,
- data privacy,
- technical standards
Transport Cloud
Cloud-based prototype platform for sharing transport data, accessible to all mobility actors involved in B2B and B2G models. It will be evaluated by a Reference Group composed of data providers and data users, through their participantion in Living Labs. The cloud showcases how to facilitate the access to mobility data in an open, interoperable and privacy-preserving way. It is designed to demonstrate and offer solutions to reduce and, in some cases, remove current technical limitations identified as barriers to data reuse.
Living and Virtual Labs
Open innovation ecosystem for an effective improvement in the culture of data sharing.
Living labs: actors in the territorial context of our referring stakeholders (cities, regions, and transport operators).
Virtual labs: remote gatherings of actors who do not travel.
The labs will implement social and collaborative tools necessary for executing co-creation activities. Referring stakeholders will provide the challenges, while candidate data innovators and solution providers will design and develop innovative solutions to address them, and promote the value of data reuse and exchange.