Join the MobidataLab Codagon in November 2023 to program the solutions developed in previous MobiDataLab x-athons and bring urban mobility improvement through data sharing to reality!
The coding phase is the last step of the MobiDataLab innovation adventure. After the exploitation of mobility data to make it usable for new and better services development in the datathon, and the creation of digital solutions to help cities solve concrete mobility challenges in the hackathon, programing will finally implement the innovations, concretely providing outcomes which will improve urban mobility with the support of data.
Programmers will be the main target of this event. But both data scientists andsolution developers are warmly invited to join. Do not miss the final step to show mobility data sharing will change urban transport!
Where and When?
- Online Kick off webinar on November 6, 2023
- Remote Programming period from November 6 to November 21, 2023
- Online Pitching sessions on November 22, 23 and 24, 2023
- Award ceremony in Leuven on November 27, 2023.
Venue: KU Leuven (LIM–SADL), Aula Emma Vorlat, E. Van Evenstraat 4, Leuven

Who should participate?
- Innovators
- Programmers
- Start-ups
- SMEs
- Data scientists
- Researchers
- Independent experts
- Technological solution & software engineers
- Mobility experts
- …
Eligibility requirements
- All backgrounds, genders, geographies, or company size
- All skill levels
- One representative email account for each team
Participate individually or as a team / organisation.
What to expect?
By taking part in the MobidataLab #Codagon, you’re not just competing – you’re collaborating to reshape the future of urban mobility. Here’s what you can expect from #Codagon:
📅 Three Weeks of Online Development: #Codagon extends over three exciting weeks, combining online innovation with an onsite grand finale. The online phase allows you to work and code at your own pace, offering the flexibility to bring your solutions to life when it suits you best.
🎙️ Panel Discussions with Domain Experts: Throughout the event, we’ll host engaging panel discussions with domain experts. These discussions will not only help you progress your development but also provide insights into the exploitation methods and the value proposition of your solution.
🔧 Technical Assistance Webinars: Our technical assistance webinars are designed to assist you in harnessing the full potential of available tech resources. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or new to the scene, these sessions will provide valuable guidance.
❓ Challenges Q&As: Connect directly with representatives from the cities that provide the challenges. Our live Q&A sessions ensure you have all the information you need to create effective solutions.
🏆 Live Online Pitching: As a participant, you’ll have the opportunity to pitch your solution to score points and compete for fantastic prizes. It’s your chance to shine on a global stage!
🏙️ Onsite Award Ceremony: The journey culminates in an exciting onsite award ceremony in #Leuven. Finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their solutions to cities in person, taking the first step toward real-world implementation.
🤝 Networking Opportunities: Throughout the event, you’ll have the chance to network with domain experts and city representatives. Build valuable relationships that can fuel your innovation journey beyond #Codagon.
🏆 Prizes and Recognition: Your efforts won’t go unnoticed! Besides the opportunity to drive real change, there are fantastic prizes (up to €5000) awaiting the most exceptional solutions. Gain well-deserved recognition and stand a chance to win exciting rewards that acknowledge your dedication and creativity.
What Challenges will you solve?
MobiDataLab has worked with the cities of Paris, Milan, Leuven, and Eindhoven to define specific mobility challenges they face due to a lack of mobility data sharing. The four cities have described their current context in terms of mobility services, transport usage, demography, urban organisation, infrastructure, and topography. They have identified specific issues and provided as much information as possible on these struggles. They have provided several data sets potentially useful to solve the problems presented, in combination with the data sets already available in the MobiDataLab tools. During the Codagon, they will answer all questions helping participants to deliver relevant solutions. You can already find a thorough description of these challenges in the MobiDataLab Virtual Lab (focus on the Hackathon challenges).
In addition, MobiDataLab collaborated with the UPPER Horizon Europe Project to define an exclusive challenge focused on Public Transport and urban mobility policies evaluation. The UPPER project aims indeed to spearhead a public transport revolution that will strengthen its role as the cornerstone of sustainable mobility and innovation in cities, ultimately leading the transition towards a future of zero-emission mobility. Further information on this challenge will soon be available in the MobiDataLab Virtual Lab as well.

Paris is working on a new walking strategy. Explore how data-driven tools and methods can enhance walking environment without on-site visits and with limited walking data available!
Milan hosts many events of multiple sizes (football, fashion, concerts, Winter Olympics 2026), causing many mobility-related problems. Navigate the complexities of planning and experiencing urban events’ accessibility, with an emphasis on sustainability…
Leuven‘s modal share of public transport and shared mobility is low in comparison with walking and private car. Identify and plan optimal locations for multimodal mobility hubs integrating different modes, scalable and dynamically adaptable.
In Eindhoven, taxis, as last-mile mode, need innovative solutions to address current limitations. Help improve insights on taxi availability and optimise waiting times, thereby improving passenger experience and efficiency.
UPPER is working on the definition and implementation of indicators to monitor and improve public transport and urban mobility policies. Design assessment solutions to support the project and affiliated cities’ transport systems!
What are the prizes?
- 5000 euros for the Codagon Winner
- 2000 euros for the second place
- 1000 euros for the third place
The prizes above will be distributed among all the submitted solutions to the city challenges.
- 1000 euros for the UPPER challenge special price winner
This prize will be distributed among the solutions submitted to the UPPER challenge. Those solutions will not opt for the city challenges prizes and will compete instead for the UPPER prize.
How to get involved?
- Form a dynamic team with fellow enthusiasts, bringing diverse skills to the table.
- Register and secure a spot for the #Codagon!
- Develop your innovative solution that leverages data sharing to improve urban mobility.
- Submit your solution and get ready to pitch!
- Await the announcement of winners and the chance to see your solution come to life!