Living labs
Welcome to MobiDataLab's Living & Virtual labs!
The living labs are MobiDataLab’s place for co-creation of innovative services based on mobility data.
Through a 3-instance competition, we aim to help new services and tools emerge, which will improve mobility services in cities.
The competition outcomes will exploit the potential of mobility data (e.g. on vehicles, stations, schedule, location, users, ticketing, trips…) to better adapt services to citizens’ needs.
We need ALL stakeholders involved in the mobility ecosystem to comprehensively approach the innovation potential:
- Raise awareness on all existing data relevant for mobility services
- Identify necessary information to cover services’ gaps
- Analyse challenges in providing and using services
- Recognise interoperability or connectivity obstacles
- … and many more ideas!
Eager to take part in the adventure?
Find out more about our objectives and how we structure the labs below.
And discover all the information you need about the three big meeting occasions of our living lab.
We are waiting for YOU to bring the mobility ecosystem to a higher level! e.
Making data available is a requirement not only for the MobiDataLab project, but for the scientific, technical, regional and EU community. Besides data, other aspects relating to generating insights and services from said data are requirements stemming from stakeholders that dictate the “what” and “why” of an innovation. Those requirements should come directly from the people, the local/regional government and other stakeholders.
The aim of the living labs is:
- To present data provides recommendations on how to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of their data
- To encourage the reuse of data and foster users’ trust, contributing to the development and promotion of open tools
- To bring together mobility stakeholders to find innovative solutions to concrete problems, using open data as tools
The Living Labs are collaborative environments where researchers, industry partners, and citizens come together to co-create, test and validate innovative solutions and services in a real-life setting.
They offer a collaborative space for experimentation, innovation, and co-creation of solutions in a real-world environmen
They provide the opportunity to test and validate new ideas and technologies in a controlled environment
They can lead to customized solutions that meet the needs of the end users and address real-world challenges
The Virtual Lab is the digital version of a Living Lab. It follows the principles of experimentation, co-creation, evaluation and transforms them into software functionalities.
Check out our latest webinar to find out more information about the living and virtual labs.
The Virtual Lab is a digital version of a Living Lab and contains various functionalities that support discussion and promotion of solutions throughout their inception life cycle, from challenge to idea to a prototype.
In simple terms:
- MobiDataLab cities will launch a series of mobility challenges
- Innovators will be provided with tools and datasets to resolve such challenges
- Innovators shall propose and build solutions for the MobiDataLab challenges
- Citizens/users/stakeholders will provide suggestions, opinions and requirements through functionalities such as forums, comments or polls
Facilitating the above process will require a tool that resembles a social network but that has a specific context and functionalities related to challenge-solving. While social networks restrict access to certain elements, such as posts or pages, the Virtual Lab must empower participation.
The methodology with which the Virtual Lab inspires participation is the execution of virtual and physical events. Three such events will be executed: a DATATHON, a HACKATHON and CODAGON during the MobiDataLab project life cycle.