You are currently viewing MobiDataLab Project Cooperation: RECIPROCITY Project

RECIPROCITY aims at transforming European cities into climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility through an innovative four-stage replication approach.

Why? Responding to European mobility challenges

Mobility is changing. Urbanisation, climate change and digitalisation challenge how people and goods move from point A to point B. To cope with these ever-increasing challenges and meet European and global climate targets, urban and peri-urban areas need to become climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility.

Despite the success of early pilot projects there is still a gap in terms of transferring innovative solutions to different contexts, cities and regions. These innovations are implemented based on specific needs and requirements of a city, district or area and transferring them to a different area is difficult. City planners and project developers often struggle to find effective ways to use results of mobility pilot projects to foster the implementation of their respective smart city strategies and community initiatives.

How? Innovative four-stage replication framework

The RECIPROCITY project aims at responding to this reality by equipping at least 20 cities across Europe, of varying size and mobility demand, with the necessary tools, knowledge, contacts and methods to accelerate the replication of existing innovative mobility solutions.To this end, RECIPROCITY will employ a four-stage replication framework, helping cities and municipalities to:

  • Identify the right innovative mobility solutions together with all relevant mobility stakeholders and citizens;
  • Learn about requirements, processes and skills needed to put these innovative mobility solutions into action
  • Accelerate the implementation of these solutions through guidance and matchmaking for business and finance
  • Share and build upon lessons learned and best practices to enable fast replication on a wide scale

The activities implemented by RECIPROCITY along these four stages will foster reciprocal knowledge exchange, matchmaking, partnerships and capacity-building between different cities. Replication projects will be initiated in the involved cities representing rural, peri-urban and urban areas. The learnings from the project will make innovative solutions more accessible for a wider set of cities and municipalities beyond the project’s scope.

MobiDataLab and RECIPROCITY project collaboration Points

On the 12th of October 2022, MobiDataLab and RECIPROCITY project have met online. MobiDataLab, was represented by Danijel Pavlica and Diana Guardado (both from F6S) and RECIPROCITY project by Anne Häner (Cluster Mobility & Logistics). After the general presentation of both projects, there was a group discussion on the possible synergies to explore between both projects on the short and long-term. There is a clear interest in terms of the webinars, organization of hackathons, datathons and codagons. It was discussed the cooperation by disseminating these events near the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and RECIPROCITY network. It was also agreed that both projects will keep in touch in order to maximize the impact of the projects, manly through cross contamination and dissemination activities, and to continue to exchange knowledge and best practices between both projects. 


Visit their project website at: