While the heat strikes and vacationers enjoy the beach or a well-deserved rest, we have just submitted 4 deliverables, crowning our efforts of the last months. 

These deliverables support the development of different data sharing aspects:

  • Collection of already accessible mobility data;
  • Report on and connection with available data access services;
  • Prototype of tools allowing data semantic and geographical enrichment;
  • Presentation of the anonymization module of the MobiDataLab Transport Cloud prototype.
This is a significant step in our work: the transport cloud finally takes shape!
Have an overlook of the steps we achieved below, and check out the details of our results in the Publications section of this website.

Reference Data Catalogue

The deliverable D4.3 is a report providing an overview of the version 1 of the MobiDataLab data catalogue. This integrated catalogue built on CKAN, GeoNetwork and OpenDataSoft solutions, references all open transport datasets and corresponding metadata in the territorial context and specific domains of the “Reference Group” of MobiDataLab stakeholders.

Curious about the data sets we collected?

Check out the deliverable here!

Data Access Services

The deliverable D4.5 Data Access Services is a demonstrator. It analyses the accessibility and interoperability of the available data sets (from the reference data catalogue). It explores the formats used for data and the APIs, and investigates solutions to make the data available in an easy way so it is accessible for users.

For further details on the accessibility analysis and conclusions, check out the deliverable here.

Data Enrichment Processors

The deliverable D4.7 Data Enrichment Processors is a report providing an overview of version 1 of the MobiDataLab data enrichment processors: geographical and semantic enrichment demonstrators. 

Different data enrichment techniques will be provided as open tools. This deliverable focuses on the tools enriching the data semantically and geographically, by combining it with other datasets and gathering additional results. It exposes how to build and use data enrichment demonstrators.

Find out how mobility data can be enriched in the deliverable here!

Data Protection Tools

The deliverable D4.9 Data Protection Tools is a presentation of the anonymization tool of the transport cloud, which includes methods for the protection of mobility data and the computation of
privacy and utility metrics. This version of the module is limited to the protection of trajectory data
and the computation of utility metrics in trajectory databases.

The deliverable describes the design of the tool, documents its components, and provides a user manual to be combined with the demonstrator available on Github.

Find out all details in the deliverable here.