Join the MobiDataLab Codagon online from November 6 to November 24 and in Leuven on November 27, and get a chance to be awarded up to 5000 euros for your solution! All details in the info page below.
Codagon participants will work on urban mobility challenges presented by city practitioners, developing tools, inputs or softwares bringing solutions to these challenges. They will have access to a large number of mobility data sets made available by MobiDataLab partners through an exclusive data collection and specific data services development. They will also benefit from collaboration opportunities with many fellow data experts, data scientists, developers, urban planners, mobility professionals and enthusiasts.
The coding phase is the last step of the MobiDataLab innovation adventure. After the exploitation of mobility data to make it usable for new and better services development in the datathon, and the creation of digital solutions to help cities solve concrete mobility challenges in the hackathon, programing will finally implement the innovations, concretely providing outcomes which will improve urban mobility with the support of data.
The H2020 EU-funded MobiDataLab project provides access to a reference group (selected cities and mobility data providers and users), and to a catalogue of data and services via the MobiDataLab Transport Cloud.
The Codagon’s key objectives are:
- Innovative data analytics tools and services,
- Workable business models and added value for defined mobility challenges and affected stakeholders,
- Hands-on solutions for mobility operators and planners, transport users, and city administrations.

Programmers will be the main target of this event. But both data scientists andsolution developers are warmly invited to join. Do not miss the final step to show mobility data sharing will change urban transport!
Key dates to remember:
- Online Kick off webinar on November 6, 2023
- Remote Programming period from November 6 to November 21, 2023
- Online Pitching sessions on November 22, 23 and 24, 2023
- Award ceremony in Leuven on November 27, 2023.
The application for the Codagon runs through our project partner, the F6S network. F6S is Europe’s largest start-up and entrepreneurs’ network with the leading platform for application management for commercial, corporate, government, university, and other accelerator programs.
- Create an Account or Sign-in at
- Fill Out and Submit the Application Form
Applications have closed on November 2nd at 23:59 CEST.
The participants of the MobiDataLab Datathon of May 2023 and the MobiDataLab Hackathon of September 2023 are more than welcome to join the Codagon as well, to ensure the continuity of the solutions.
For any question or remark, you can reach out to